Podcast Episodes

series one: Biblical Foundations

Series 1 lays the Biblical Foundations for the use of the number 7 and what we mean when we say the Bible is true. Join professor Davidson as he starts the journey of The Seven Series with this debut trio.

series two: Manifold beauty of Genesis One

The second series is all devoted to the amazing artistry of Genesis 1. I am joined by my coauthor, Kenneth Turner, for this series, with each episode focused on a different layer of The Manifold Beauty of Genesis One (see book details above). Join us on this compelling journey as they explore the layers that make up the first book of the Bible.

series three: Science and the bible

In this third series, we start to explore the science of origins -asking whether there is inherent conflict with the Bible, what the evidence actually looks like for Earth history, and if young-earth arguments are all they seem.

series four: bible and culture

In the current series, Gregg Davidson digs into issues where the Bible intersects with culture. Episodes include a personal story of navigating hostility to Christianity in my professional society, conversations about immigration, and more …